Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 7, 2013

Format build number from bamboo number

We created a function in a build file that we included into our other NAnt scripts that handles converting the integer build number from Bamboo. Here is that function

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Generated by NAntBuilder v2.0-->
<!-- =================================
Project: FormatBuildNumber
Author : Lance Lyons
Onlife Health Solutions

Required inputs: Unpadded Buildnumber

Output: Build.version = Buildnumber padded with 0's to fill 3 digits

This script will take a buildnumber and format it to a certain
number of digits

The default will be 3 digits.

To change to a longer build number say 4 or 5 digits then update the statement below in the C# code

sTemp = releaseprefix+"."+String.Format("{0:000}", buildnumber);

sTemp = releaseprefix+"."+String.Format("{0:0000}", buildnumber);
sTemp = releaseprefix+"."+String.Format("{0:00000}", buildnumber);

for 4 and 5 digits respectively.
================================= -->
<project name="FormatBuildNumber" default="main">

<loadtasks assembly="C:\nantcontrib-0.85\bin\NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.dll" />

<property name="build.number" value="" readonly="false" />
<property name="build.releaseprefix" value="" readonly="false" />

<script language="C#" failonerror="true">
public static string fBuildnumberfunc(string releaseprefix, int buildnumber)
//String sTemp= new String;
string sTemp;
sTemp = releaseprefix+"."+String.Format("{0:000}", buildnumber);

return sTemp;

<property name="build.version" value="${script::fFormatBuildNumber(build.releaseprefix,build.number )}" readonly="false" />

<target name="main" >

<echo message='Build version is ${build.version}'/>

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