Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 3, 2021

SVN Cheat Sheet

 1. Basic Work Cycle

Update to the latest revision checkout, update
Do your work, change files add, remove, copy, move
Examine changes status, diff, revert
Merge your work update, resolved
Commit commit -m "your comment"

2. Create a repository
svnadmin create /path/to/repo

3. The Working Copy

Get a working copy (= checkout) svn (checkout|co) [-r REV] url://repo/path/ path/to/project
Update your working copy *1 svn (update|up) [-r REV] [path/to/project]

Add a file/directory to the project (!= import) svn add path/to/fileOrDirectory
Copy a file/directory and mark it as added svn copy path/to/fileOrDirectory path/to/newCopy
Rename/move a file/directory svn (move|mv|rename|ren) path/to/dir path/to/newDir
Delete a file/directory svn (delete|del|remove|rm) path/to/fileOrDirectory
Lock (or unlock) a file/directory for editing svn (lock|unlock) path/to/fileOrDirectory

Check the status of your local file(s) *2 svn status [path/to/fileOrDirectory]
Compare the status to the repo *2 svn status -u [path/to/fileOrDirectory]
Do a diff of your file(s) and the repo svn diff [-r REV] [path/to/fileOrDirectory]
Revert to last revision (last checkout or update) svn revert [path/to/fileOrDirectory]
Resolve conflicts (after you reviewed them!) svn resolved [path/to/fileOrDirectory]
Commit and create a new revision svn (commit|ci) [path/to/project] -m "your comment"

Import unversioned files/folders *3 svn import path/to/original url://repo/path/
Show a log svn log [-r REV] [path/to/fileOrDirectory]
Concatenate a specific file svn cat [-r REV] path/to/file

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