Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 6, 2013

Multi Language with zend 2

Zend Framework 2 Translate, I18n, Locale

Translanslation in ZF2 is handled pretty easily and one has several ways to do it. In this blog i will follow the ZendSkeletonApplications approach by using translation files in *.mo-format. How do we create those files? How do we tell the application to use the files? What options do we have to set the locale to use? I will answer all these questions for you to internationalize your modules.

Use translations in your view-scripts

Before we create our language (translation) files, let’s first take a look at what we have at our hands to actually use the translation. In ZF2 we have a couple of i18n view helpers available to use. Let’s take a look at an example that I’ve created in a project recently.
In this view script you see three different translation view helpers used. The default translate(), the currencyFormat() and the dateFormat(). This is the most basic usage of view helpers and with this, you will be able to do a couple of things, but you will run into trouble when you create your own .mo/.po files.

Set up your zf2 module for translation

Let’s now take a look at the steps we have to do to set up translation for our modules. First thing would be to ensure that we have a path available for our translation files to be stored into. I suggest going with the suggested layout from the ZendSkeletonApplication to make your Modules as accessible to other developers as possible.
Now that we’ve taken care of that, let’s configure our module to load translation files from said directory.
Please take a quick look at the highlighted lines. First one would be to set your modules namespace into your configuration file. Personally i do this a lot, as it helps in quite a few configuration issues. Makes Copy&Paste’ing a little easier for future modules ;)
The important part however are lines 12-14. Here we define three things.
  • The directory to load translation files from
  • How the files are named
  • The Text-Domain of the translation
Pretty much like what is done within the ZendSkeletonApplication isn’t it? Not really. text_domain ??? This is the part where i had my problems, too. Luckily Ludwig_ from was able to help me out. Each translation file that is loaded needs to have a text_domain added. If no text_domain is added, ‘default’ will be assumed. One might think that this is no problem, but actually there can only be one translation file for each text_domain. Since there can be only one text_domain i choose my modules __NAMESPACE__ to be the text_domain, too. As that should pretty much be unique. With this configuration in place, the language files will be loaded.
Now we actually need to change our view-script, too. The translate()-view-helper needs to know about the text_domain, too. Once again i’ll go with the __NAMESPACE__ to make it a little easier for me to type.

Set up locale in ZF2

When working with I18n-Features, we have several ways to set up the locale to use. One way would be to hard code this in our views like the following.
It’s quite obvious that this is more than unlikely to be a handy solution and will probably only be used in very rare cases where you have to ensure a very general name not to get translated. So we have to look for another option. We can set up a locale at the configuration files, too. For this we need to add the locale key to our translator configuration.
Once again this feature kind of sucks. We need to make the locale variable. For this we have several features, too. Personally i like to go with the clients HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE. Of course you could extend this by first going with the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE and later check if there’s a session variable set (or some user preferences at the database), for now let’s just go with it though. Time to edit our Module.php
Within our modules Bootstrap we now set our default Locale to that of the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE. I’d argue that in a lot of cases this is a good thing and doesn’t need to be changed often. As mentioned previously, you could potentionally look up $_SESSION-Variable or DB-Entries for user-specific Locale-settings and overwrite the current locale to make it better.
In case no valid locale can be built from the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE (you never know what those hackers do!) we still have a fallback defined, in this example ‘en_US’.

All set and done, let’s resume

Let’s take a quick look at the steps we’ve taken to internationalize our Module.
  1. We’ve set up a folger for language files
  2. We’ve set up configuration to load language files from said folder
  3. We’ve set up the translator to load a Locale depending on users HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE
  4. Furthermore we know how to force specific Locale-Settings
  5. We’ve learned about the text_domain
  6. We’ve also learned about how to use translation features in our view-scripts
Now there is only one thing left to do and that is to actually create the language files. As this is a little off-topic i have created a separate post for this. Please take a look at Using PoEdit to create Translation files. It’s a very easy and straight-forward process that doesn’t consume much time at all.
All in all i hope that i was able to let you in on how to internationalize your modules. If you encoutner any errors, let me know about it and i will try my best to help you out. Just drop me a comment and we’ll see where it goes from there.

ERROR: Class Intl | IntlDateFormatter not found…

A thing i forgot to mention earlier was, that you really need to have the intl-extension running on your webserver. Linux users should find the official documentation helpful enough. Windows users should locate their respective php.ini and search for ‘intl’, remove the semikolon ‘;’ from the line with the extension
//... lots of other extensions
//... lots of extensions

Ubuntu : 
You need to have installed the intl PHP extension.
For APT based systems, try: sudo apt-get install php5-intl
For YUM based systems, try: sudo yum install php-intl

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